..and the housemates are gettin iraaate playing unooooooo.
So just been playing Uno, and (typically) I have won... a big fat ZERO times. (Guys, if you're reading get lost.)
Anyways, 2 years ago today (well technically yesterday as in Japan its now early morning) I started at UEA! Can't believe time's gone so fast and I'm already on my year abroad..I've been here for just over 2 weeks and had my ups and downs but loving getting used to life in Japan. The University I'm at here is called Ritsumeikan (or just Ritsumei for all us that find it so much effort to add the extra little 'kan' on the end...) and although I've not started classes, I've been on campus to look around and it's beaut. Here is a picture:
Japan is SO. COOL. Guys if you haven't been, go. (And to you lucky people visiting - you know who you are - it's gonna be siiiick.)
BUT Japan can also be kinda crazy. In a good way (well mostly!). Here are some examples of different things I've come across!
- So...they drive on the same side of the road as we do in the UK. Good. Well I do NOT understand the rules of the road in Japan. Green man on crossing = cars stop, people walk. Right? Wrong. In Japan, while you're crossing, cars from certain directions can still go. What is that, man? Does that not defeat the point of the little green man?? (mmm I could go for a Little Green Man at Mambos right now)
- Fashion over here is quite different sometimes, it's so cool seeing all the different things people wear (I wanna go Tokyo now THAT will be something)
- Bikes are so cute, they pretty much all have little baskets on the front (this isn't 'crazy' but something I like about it here.)
- Something I've found difficult to grasp is the general rule of no eating while walking - I do this all the time at home and admit I did it today when eating a brownie and I did actually notice some people looking at me (oops, sorry)
- Also no eating on buses, which is easier to understand/abide by.
- You have to take off your shoes before you enter a house in Japan. At first it was hard to remember that I'd left my shoes in the little box by the front door..."where are my black pumps...??"
- Also, I'm sure most of you have heard about my Mukade incident....if not, good, Japan has some scary bugs!!
So, hopefully.. things will become second nature, but for now it's good getting to understand what it's like here and trying my best! 頑張りまーす!People are sooooo nice here anyway. For example, the other day my friend knocked over loads of bikes when parking his, and a guy parked his car, got out and helped us pick them all up. I did not expect it at all.. I think back home, bikes are more likely to get nicked to be honest!
There's a lot I could write about but I'm just gonna leave you with a picture of me and my friend Beth from home (UEA RULES) when we got together and did some sightseeing. This day was awesome, Japan is so beautiful.
Kinkakuji :)
Hahahaha Don't know about you but I enjoyed playing uno :P And I am sooo not the friend mentioned above who knocked those bikes over...