Monday, 18 August 2014

Welcome to Nat Stan in Japan!!

Alllllrighty then! So never done this blog malarky before so bear with me (talking especially to my uni buddies who've created awesome blogs that I can't match in the slightest. You guysssss I miss you all my lovelies) - but giving it a shot for my year abroad! 

So I'm a third year language student at the University of East Anglia (oh UEA) studying Japanese and currently waiting to jet off on my year abroad in Kyoto, to study at Ritsumeikan Univeristy! There are quite a few of us going to Japan, dotted about all over the place - hoping to visit people once we're settled - such as Kyoto, Osaka, Tokyo, Sapporo, and more that my tired brain can't remember right now. Mega excited for all my Japanese class buddies and hoping to meet up. Definitely paying a visit to Tokyo to go to Disneyland ('s Tokyo so I want to go generally but...Disneyland). Yeah, people who know me know that I love all things Disney and this is something I will be doing at some point during my year abroad - my year abroad friends in Japan (Tokyo especially), will hopefully be up for that! 

Anyway, it's been a lot of organising, with more to come but it's all going to be so worth it - and it's sooo close! As you can imagine there are the usual stresses surrounding travel abroad (not that I've done a lot..), but a few added ones considering this is a study abroad trip and we are the first at UEA to go to Japan in particular, eek.

However, seeing as I've started this blog fairly far into my year abroad prep, there isn't much left for me do to at this point! YAY. My list currently stands as follows:
  • Apply for Visa
  • Pick up Visa
  • Say my goodbyes and cry a bit ...a lot.

At least that's how I can see it going ha! So yeah, introduction to my year abroad blog which I hope will be a good read for those interested. :)

Hakuna Matata, people. (Two of my fave things: Sunset Orange and...well you know)

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