Tuesday, 3 March 2015

久しぶり!It's been a while!

So it's been a while since I've done a post. So, sorry if this gets rambly..I do ramble.

The past couple of months since Christmas have been not only busy but quite difficult! Christmas itself was a weird one, what with being away from home and it not really seeming like Christmas. Then I had a visitor, just for a week, but it was one of the best ever! We spent New Year's in Osaka, went to an Onsen, did a bit of sight-seeing, and tried lots of food together. It was fab. After the Winter break, I then had two weeks of school (weird I know) before a two-month break. I've had a bit of trouble explaining this to people back home, but Feb and March are basically the July and August for Japan, academic-wise. So their academic year starts in April, as opposed to our September! See, rambling already. Anyways, so I've been doing some travelling!!

I began with a trip to South Korea with some awesome friends! And can I just say..KOREAN FOOD IS AMAZING. Now, I do love Japanese food, but man...Korean food? Just. Yum. I especially love Kimchi, and love the fact that one of my housemates (shout out to ピョンヘ!!)makes this quite often. It is beaut. Actually, the night I got back from the UK (get onto that later) she was there to greet me and was, to my delight, making some Kimchi! So yeah, Korea was super cool. We were there for around 9 days, so managed to fit in quite a lot! It was well cold out there, apparently even colder than Hokkaido in the north of Japan. Which brings me on to my next bit!

Kimchi soup!

Following Korea, we got back and the next week went to Sapporo, Hokkaido, for the Snow Festival! (札幌雪祭り)So, as you can imagine, there was a lot of...snow. I remember arriving and getting a taxi to our hotel - the back roads were so icy, we were worried if we could even get there! But luckily it was just round the corner. And we had quite a nice chat with the taxi man, practising our Japanese over the hols yea! We only spent about 4 days here, but, again, managed to fit quite a lot in. The sights were amazing (but I will say, I'm SO glad I took a big coat!!).

Here is a car buried in snow..

So, I returned from Sapporo and I think pretty much the next day, I flew home. As excited as I was to go to Korea and Sapporo (which were brill), this was the thing I was most desperate for. I had missed my family, friends, and partner so much. I had a lot I wanted to do, and only three weeks to do it, of which the final weekend I was flying back to Japan. So, two weekends. I split my time between my hometown, and my Uni city. For a start, it's very hard having two families at a time like this, especially when I can't drive yet. There were a lot of people I wanted to fit in seeing, and didn't manage to see everyone. I got time with most of the people I wanted to see, though, and in the time I had I think it was okay. I mean, it's not like I'm coming back to Japan forever right? 

So I saw my family, and a couple of friends in my hometown. I had a fantastic time with everyone, so thank you again to all you wonderful people back home :) I'm sorry I couldn't have more time, but all I can say is there will be plenty of time after the next few months when I return for good. I only have a few more months here, but a lot longer to be around home so I'll make the most of it! So, following this, I went to Norwich. It's strange because, not only do I miss the people there, but I miss the city. The colourful market, the castle, the puppet man (who I managed to spot on my visit haha), and my University. Don't get me wrong, I miss my hometown for what it is too, but there's something about Norwich and UEA. If I didn't say before in a previous post, I feel so happy and lucky to have ended up there. Anyways, I got to see quite a few friends there as well and had a wonderful time. Thank you to you all - especially to Alex by the way for putting up with me living at his for the week and making some yummy food for me. OH that reminds me, I also bought myself Tomb Raider: Underworld..(!!!!) I have been waiting to play this game for so long. I had Legend for ps2 and then..obviously couldn't play the next one as I didn't have a ps3. But I finally played it (well some of it!) and looking forward to playing the rest of it and other TR games when I'm back ^^ YEY

Sooo, here I am. Back in my dorm in Kyoto. After a proper long coach ride, flight, another flight, and taxi. And my sleeping pattern is sooo dodgy. And I've been feeling quite poopy. I miss everything and everyone already, and I've only just gotten back. Luckily, I'm meeting my sister in Tokyo tomorrow to start some travelling. Then next month, back to Uni! While I'm really glad I got to visit home (I really think I needed it), I have to wonder whether it was in fact entirely a good thing. I suppose after just returning to Japan, I was always gonna feel a little sad, until I get back into the routine of things. But, it really sucks missing home and the people there.

I know, for the 2nd years at UEA who may be reading this, that many of you are planning to come home. And I say great! But be aware, because, at least for me, having that feeling of being home again and then having to come back out here on my todd once more (while I love it here) was quite difficult. It still is haha! I was used to visiting home when I felt like it back in 1st and 2nd year, but when you're in Japan it just can't happen like that. So going home was something I wanted. At the same time, it was maybe bad for me. Or at least, for my year abroad in general and studies! But I'm so glad to have seen everyone and to have done the things I did. It has just made being here harder than it was, which I'm sure will fade in time for me to have to leave Japan for good - at which time I will be devastated to have to leave my life here! Isn't it great..!? For now, I'm gonna enjoy my travels with my sister here in Japan (yeyeye) and then get back into the swing of things at Uni. もっと漢字練習は必要ww がんばりまーす!!

Oh and one more thing..I HAD CHIPS AND GRAVY!!! (plus battered sausage)
Sheringham ♥